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Corporate Training Events

The world is going through a severe crisis. We are all treading the path of adversity. No one will be able to ignore the challenges thrown up by this economic tsunami! How does one cope with the towering waves and the aftermath of its destruction? This is no place and time for the weaker ones.

The world is characterized by the four Cs – Change, Competition, Complexity, and Customer Demands. Anyone who is on the treadmill of life has to prepare himself/herself for the multitude of challenges ahead. One has to be equipped to face this world with break-neck speed. One has to look into oneself and decide the course of action after ascertaining where he/she stands. There are no shortcuts to success, but planning the way and going the way can help one in reaching the yonder horizons.

It is not a one day’s job of carving out success. Building blocks for success have to be developed, stacked up and held together by a personality who has the stuff in him/her to show after J. R. D. Tata. They proved that the records are meant to be broken and that the road to excellence is always under construction. Yes, the world has proved that the best can be overtaken through the best trained practices.

Seven Deadly Sins as mentioned by Mahatmaji are:

  • Wealth without work
  • Pleasure without conscience
  • Science without humanity
  • Knowledge without character
  • Politics without principle
  • Commerce without morality
  • Worship without sacrifice

“Leadership tomorrow is not for the next century. Leadership tomorrow is for this century and very much for those youngsters who would be the main players in the next ten to twenty years.”

“Let us look into what the world has to offer and what we can offer this world that is being visited by all types of tsunamis in the past.”

C - Suite

For CEO’s


Power to Power up

Pass the TORCH

Happy HOUR

On the SPOT

Touch to FEEL

Q - Sparkle

Image Redefined



World of Business